Ten Get Drunk in Lazio

A diary of my fortnight in Italy in August 2006 with nine lovely people.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Day 2

At night, the villa is silent, and there is no source of light outside, meaning that inside the villa with the lights off you literally can't see your hand in front of your face. Bizarrely I couldn’t find the light switch for the kitchen, so this light stayed on all night. This proved fortuitous, as while Zoë and myself enjoyed a much needed twelve hours kip, Alice and Liam were having a more torrid time. To add infection to injury, Alice developed a gum infection and woke in the middle of he night with a bloody pillow, and unable to walk, as it seems her stint in the pool had aggravated the ankle she twisted on arrival.

But Zoë and I eventually emerged at around half ten, and I immediately headed for my first shower in nearly a year (we only have a bath at home, dear reader - I’m not mingin’), followed by my first dip in a swimming pool in probably fifteen years. I am delighted to report that I didn't drown. Swimming, it seems, is like riding a bike, if a little more tiring.


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